Friday, May 10, 2013

review : Norwegian Wood

Director - Tran Anh Hung
Screenplay - Tran Anh Hung
Cast - Kenichi Matsuyama, Rinko Kikuchi, Kiko Mizhara

Country - Japan [2010]

Based on Haruki Murakami's novel, this story takes us onto the stranger side of love. The title of the novel is taken from The Beatles song of the same name.
A suicide causes a subtraction between two friends, the nature of which they are unable to grasp. The loss is so deep it creates a black hole, swallowing everything till they can come to terms with it. Love has a burdensome quality which is reflected in the emotional triad that develops. I recommend reading the book before watching the film.
Murakami has always had a remarkable grasp on the psychology of his characters. The film was well received at international film festivals winning the 'best cinematography' at the Asian Film Festival. The soundtrack deserves special mention as adding quality to the film.

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